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Stepping up to help WA’s endangered cockatoos

Integrated bauxite miner and alumina producer Alcoa is taking a multifaceted approach to helping Western Australia’s iconic Black-Cockatoos.

Only found in the south-west of Western Australia, the Carnaby’s and Baudin’s Black-Cockatoos are currently listed as endangered while the Forest Red-Tailed Black-Cockatoo is listed as vulnerable.

Alcoa is partnering with Birdlife on the Alcoa Community Black-Cockatoo Recovery Project. The two groups are working with landowners and the broader community to raise awareness about the birds and their needs, restore critical habitat, and conduct citizen science.

Extensive studies are conducted to identify important Black-Cockatoo habitat as part of determining where bauxite mining should and should not occur across Alcoa’s lease in the Darling Range. The company has worked with government and community to further protect important areas.

Alcoa funds and assists with important research to better understand these enigmatic birds, the challenges they face, and what can be done to ensure they continue to grace our skies.