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Jobs fair events a big hit in the South West

Over three days in April, 12 major resources sector companies attended three jobs fair events in the heart of the South West.  

The jobs fair events were organised across Bridgetown, Manjimup, and Nannup, and were designed to provide information and encourage locals to consider a career in mining.  

The South West offers its locals both drive-in, drive-out, and fly-in, fly-out work arrangements, allowing workers to continue to live in their communities.  

The events provided a fantastic opportunity for prospective workers to have valuable face-to-face time with employers and discover how they might have transferable skills that could make them suitable for mining. Year 11 and 12 Students from local high schools also attended the event and learnt how they could kick start their careers in the resources sector.   

CME’s latest economic analysis reveals the sector provided $1.36 billion to the South West region during the 2020-21 financial year. 

Employing more than 5400 resource workers from the South West, most of those earnings were spent locally, with $840 million in wages filtering back into the region. 

Hosted by the Resources Industry Training Council (RITC) and supported by CME, the jobs blitz featured representatives from companies such as Talison Lithium, Rio Tinto, Byrnecut, Fenner Dunlop and Cleanaway. Representatives from the drilling industry included Boart Longyear, Welldrill, DDH1, Foraco Bunbury Drilling Company and the Australian Drilling Industry Association. 

The Australian Workers Union provided a free sausage sizzle and soft drinks at each event. 

RITC manager Amanda Hamilton said each day was very well attended and the feedback from local communities was overwhelmingly positive, with people asking when this sort of event could be run again. 

“The jobs showcase was a chance for the community to discover how a job in mining can fit in with a rural lifestyle,” she said. 

“There are drive-in, drive-out opportunities in the South West as well as fly-in, fly-out opportunities to elsewhere in the State from Busselton and Perth. 

“People really enjoyed coming along and meeting recruiters from some of WA’s biggest companies.” 

Overall, the event was overwhelmingly positive and welcomed by community members. 

Contact: Amanda Hamilton, Manager – Resources Industry Training Council